UAE Gives Kenya Special Access to Trade Platform After Ksh 421B Exchange

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Wednesday, March 20, announced that Kenya had been given access to its Trade for Development platform. 

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Wednesday, March 20, announced that Kenya had been given access to its Trade for Development platform. 

Following the move, UAE noted that Kenya had become the ninth country in the world to be given access to the platform. 

The Trade for Development platform is a technical assistance programme that offers a suite of online tools to assist trade officials, negotiators, and policymakers. 

Remarking after Kenya’s admission, Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of State for Foreign Trade explained that Kenya had become a key trade partner for the Gulf Country. 

In particular, it was pointed out that in 2023, trade between Kenya and UAE stood at Ksh421 billion in bilateral non-trade representing 26 per cent growth from the previous year.

UAE further remarked there was a growing urgency to work with Kenya considering it was one of the most promising economies in Africa.

The Trade for Development platform is curated specifically to help developing nations like Kenya build the capacity to negotiate huge trade agreements.

“The Trade for Development platform underlines the UAE’s commitment to enhancing inclusive, sustainable trade and leveraging its power to drive economic growth and prosperity throughout the world,” Al Zeyoudi explained how Kenya would benefit. 

Kenya’s policymakers and trade officials will now be able to take advantage of the platform to integrate with the global economy. 

As such, it is expected that Kenya’s development will be accelerated which will subsequently raise living standards for their citizens.

In Africa, apart from Kenya, only Ethiopia, Mozambique and Comoros have access to the platform. 

Other countries with access include; Antigua and Barbuda, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Barbados.  

Sandra Santeyian

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