Where to purchase the cheapest maize in Kenya

Makutano, an urban centre in West Pokot, which borders Trans Nzoia, has the cheapest maize in the country.

Makutano, an urban centre in West Pokot, which borders Trans Nzoia, has the cheapest maize in the country.

A survey by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) shows a kilogramme (kg) of the grain was retailing at Sh39 on average in the town in January.

Title: The Maize Merchant's Secret

In the heart of Kenya, where the sun paints the land golden and the winds whisper tales of trade, there existed a small village named Mbili. In Mbili, maize was not just a staple; it was the essence of life itself. Every morning, villagers would wake up to the scent of maize roasting, and every night, they would retire after a hearty meal of ugali, made from the finest maize flour.

However, Mbili was not just any village; it was home to Mama Njeri, a shrewd maize merchant known far and wide for her knack for sniffing out the best deals. People whispered that Mama Njeri had a secret, a secret that allowed her to sell maize at prices lower than anyone else in Kenya.

One day, a young man named Kipchoge arrived in Mbili. He had traveled from a distant village, seeking the cheapest maize to feed his family. Rumors of Mama Njeri's legendary prices had reached his ears, and he hoped that she would be able to provide what he needed.

Following the directions given by the villagers, Kipchoge found himself standing before Mama Njeri's humble maize stand. Surrounded by sacks of maize, she greeted him with a warm smile.

"Welcome, young man. What brings you to my humble abode?" Mama Njeri asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"I've heard tales of your incredible prices, Mama Njeri. I've traveled far in search of affordable maize for my family. Can you help me?" Kipchoge replied, his voice tinged with hope.

Mama Njeri chuckled softly before beckoning Kipchoge closer. "Come, let me share with you the secret of my maize."

Curious, Kipchoge leaned in as Mama Njeri whispered into his ear. His eyes widened in disbelief as he heard her words. Could it be that simple?

With newfound determination, Kipchoge thanked Mama Njeri and rushed to the market. Armed with Mama Njeri's secret, he negotiated with the vendors, his confidence soaring with each transaction.

Days turned into weeks, and Kipchoge became known as the Maize Master of Mbili. People marveled at his ability to secure the cheapest maize, and soon, his reputation spread far and wide.

One day, Mama Njeri approached Kipchoge with a smile. "You've done well, young man. But remember, true wealth lies not in the maize itself, but in the knowledge of where to find it."

Grateful for her wisdom, Kipchoge nodded. And as the sun set over Mbili, casting its warm glow upon the village, Kipchoge realized that sometimes, the greatest treasures were found not in riches, but in the lessons learned along the way.


Sandra Santeyian

239 Blog posts
