Logo vs icon vs symbol: all the logo terms you need to know

End your confusion and avoid saying the wrong thing with our simple guide to logo terminology.

Selection of famous logos
(Image credit: London Underground, New York Yankees, Shell  ,Coca-Cola, Wendy's, Bacardi, NBC)

Within the worlds of branding, typography and visual identity, the terminology surrounding logos can be a bit overwhelming. You've likely heard terms like logo, icon, symbol, wordmark and emblem thrown around, often interchangeably. However, each of these terms carries a distinct meaning, and understanding the nuances can be crucial for effective communication and decision-making when it comes to a brand's visual assets.


In this comprehensive guide, we'll go back to basics, and explain all the terms you need to understand. That way, you'll be able to talk about logos with confidence in front of colleagues and clients alike. 


Sandra Santeyian

239 Blog posts
