I Let AI Tell Me How to Do My Makeup — These Are the Results

New year, new me, and let me tell you: I'm all about embracing the future.

New year, new me, and let me tell you: I'm all about embracing the future. Sure, I like to stay stuck in the past when my ex-boyfriend is involved, but when it comes to practically anything else, I'm ready to look ahead. Artificial intelligence (AI) is on the up and up, and I've been determined to try integrating it into my regular life whenever possible. The general consensus is that it makes life easier, so who am I to turn my nose up at it? I've been dipping my toe in slowly, and one of the websites I've started using a little more frequently is ChatGPT.

If you've never used ChatGPT before, the process is relatively simple. All you have to do is type in a question, and the AI bot will answer. You can ask anything from "how do LED masks work?" to "how do I write a love letter to my ex-boyfriend?" (I may or may not be guilty of asking the latter.)

I haven't had the best results using AI in the past. I tried an AI-powered dating app earlier this year to see if it could land me a date, and the results were . . . lukewarm. However, I've been seeing more and more of my friends use ChatGPT for things like creating emails, planning trips, and, yes, getting makeup tips, which made me curious about how good the chatbot's suggestions would be. I test and review new makeup products frequently, and I also tend to look to them for help when I'm considering trying out a new look.

To see if ChatGPT could help me create a makeup look I'd wear on a regular basis, I started out with a simple prompt. "Can you help me do my makeup?" I asked. "I want a natural look. I have olive skin with neutral undertones, brown hair, dark eyebrows, and brown, hooded, downturned eyes. I also have dry, acne-prone skin."

The chatbot immediately spit out a 10-step makeup routine that was just about as bare as you could get. It instructed me to prep the skin, even out my skin tone, conceal imperfections, and set with powder. . . You get it. Essentially, it offered the most basic commands without any suggestions that would be pertinent to me, my skin tone, or my eye shape.

ChatGPT Makeup Editor Experiment












Eliana Shanice

66 Blog posts
