If you want to become more successful as you get older, say goodbye to these 8 behaviors older, say goodbye to these 8 b

Success and age are often seen as synonymous. However, the road to success isn’t about simply accumulating years, but about shedding certain behaviors that hold us back.

Success and age are often seen as synonymous. However, the road to success isn’t about simply accumulating years, but about shedding certain behaviors that hold us back.

As we age, we have the opportunity to grow wiser, stronger, and more resilient. But to do that, we must be willing to let go of habits that no longer serve us or our goals.

The path to success demands a continuous process of self-improvement and growth. It involves identifying and discarding behaviors that hinder our progress, even if it’s uncomfortable.

This article aims to help you identify eight such behaviors that you need to say goodbye to if you wish to become more successful as you get older.

1) Procrastination

As we age and aspire to be more successful, one behavior that needs to be shown the door is procrastination.

Procrastination has a crippling effect on our productivity and success. It’s an easy trap to fall into, often disguised as a well-deserved break or a harmless distraction. However, the reality is, it’s a roadblock to our progress.

The habit of putting off tasks until the last minute not only increases stress but also compromises the quality of our work. It’s a behavior that stems from an aversion to discomfort or fear of failure.

But it’s important to remember that growth and comfort do not coexist.

Instead of avoiding tasks, successful individuals lean into discomfort. They understand that the path to success is paved with challenges and that facing these challenges head-on is the only way to move forward.

2) Fear of change

Change is an integral part of life and growth. Yet, as human beings, we often resist it. We find comfort in the familiar and fear the unknown.


This fear can keep us stuck in unfulfilling situations or prevent us from pursuing new opportunities.

We need to challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zones, to embrace new ideas, and to adapt to new circumstances. Without change, there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement.

As we age, this becomes even more critical. With every year that passes, we have more experiences and knowledge at our disposal. 

In the words of Richard Branson, “Every success story is a tale of constant adaptation, revision, and change.”

So, if you want to become more successful as you age, let go of your fear of change and embrace the endless possibilities it brings.

3) The pursuit of perfection

The pursuit of perfection is a behavior that often hinders progress and success. It’s a trap that many of us fall into.

We strive for flawlessness in everything we do, from our work to our relationships, often at the expense of our wellbeing and peace of mind.

Perfectionism can lead to a debilitating fear of failure, stifle creativity, and cause stress and anxiety. It’s an unrealistic standard that can keep us stuck and prevent us from making progress towards our goals.


Instead of striving for perfection, successful individuals strive for excellence. They understand that mistakes and failures are part of the journey and are opportunities for learning and growth.

To delve deeper into this concept, I invite you to watch my video on why it’s important to give up on the idea of constantly being a “good person”.

In this video, I discuss how this belief can lead to internal criticism, judgment of others, and makes us easily manipulated. Letting go fosters a more authentic, fulfilling lif

4) Neglecting self-care

In the pursuit of success, we often neglect one of the most essential aspects of our lives – self-care. We push ourselves to the brink, sacrificing sleep, good nutrition, and personal time in the name of accomplishment.


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