Family Of Police Officer Swept By Floods In Nairobi Calls For Justice.

The family of the police officer who was sw ept by floods on Sunday evening is calling upon the government to help them recover the body of their son.

ccording to the family of David Chesire, an officer at  Kamukunji Police Station who was swept by floods in Nairobi, the government has been reluctant to issue resources to help recover their kin and wants the government to pump more resources into the recovery operation.

Chesire was swept by floods on Sunday Evening at Nairobi’s Country Bus Station after he responded to a distress call of three women and a child trapped in one of the stalls and was swept by the floods after he saved them.

His Father Joseph Chesire attributed what kind of a son he had.

"Siku nilifika hapa niliambiwa mtoto yangu aliokoa watu wanne ndio akaingia maji kwa sababu ya wananchi," said the family spokesperson John Kipkoros.

David's father added: "Mtoto yangu alikuwa mkarimu sana kwa kusaidia watu ata nilipofika hapa watu walinikaribisha sana kwa sababu mtoto yangu inaonekana anasidia watu sana ata nyumbani ni mtu akona roho nzuri."

Joseph says that after almost a week's search, they are yet to retrieve the body of their loved one, further accusing the government of laxity in allocating more resources to hasten the search and recovery efforts.

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