7 signs you’re on your way to success, even if it doesn’t feel like it

Success is a journey, not a destination.
And sometimes, in the midst of our pursuits, it’s easy to feel lost or doubt the progress we’re making.
But what if I told you that you might already be on the path to success, even if it doesn’t feel like it?

That some of the most common signs of advancement are often misunderstood or overlooked?

In this article, we’ll delve into seven subtle signs that you’re on your way to success, despite what your current circumstances might suggest.

These indicators will help you recognize your progress and inspire you to keep moving forward.

1) You’re facing challenges head-on

Success isn’t about having a smooth, obstacle-free journey.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

Encountering obstacles and challenges is often a clear indicator that you’re moving out of your comfort zone, expanding your skills, and advancing towards your goals.

Often, we view challenges as a sign that we’re failing or moving in the wrong direction.

But consider this perspective: challenges are an opportunity for growth and learning.

They force us to tap into our creative potential and find innovative solutions to problems.

Consider the most successful people you know.

Chances are, their journey wasn’t easy; they faced numerous setbacks and hurdles along the way.

But it was their ability to confront these challenges, adapt, and evolve that ultimately led them to success.

2) You’re taking responsibility for your life

Among the hallmarks of successful individuals lies a shared attribute: they wholeheartedly embrace ownership of their lives.

Rather than laying blame on external forces for their predicaments, they hone in on what lies within their grasp—their attitudes, responses, and actions.

Assuming responsibility for one’s life is an emblem of empowerment.

It demands a deep-seated self-awareness and the fortitude to acknowledge that the course of our lives is steered by the choices we make.

While external factors may exert influence, it is our response to these factors that truly wields power.

In my career journey, I’ve faced all sorts of ups and downs. But you know what’s kept me going?

My dedication to owning up to my actions.

That mindset has been my guiding light, giving me the grit to weather even the toughest storms.

In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves… The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.”

This quote beautifully encapsulates this belief: Our lives are shaped by our actions and decisions, and it’s up to us to make them count.

3) You’re embracing vulnerability and overcoming imposter syndrome


One dead giveaway that you’re kicking butt on the road to success? You start tangling with that sneaky imposter syndrome.

It’s like this annoying little bug that whispers you’re a fraud, waiting to be exposed, even though you’ve got the receipts to prove your awesomeness.

Now, while it might feel like a kick in the gut, wrestling with this impostor sentiment is actually a big win.

It means you’re stepping outside your cozy comfort zone, testing your limits, and raising the bar for yourself.

From my own journey, I’ve learned that feeling like a faker isn’t some flaw to hide; it’s a sign you’re hyper-aware and primed for some serious personal growth and empowerment.


Curious to dive deeper? Check out my video on imposter syndrome. In this video, I lay out how embracing these doubts can spark a journey of self-discovery and professional badassery.


4) You’re investing in positive change

There’s this common belief floating around that success boils down to just raking in the cash.

But let’s be real, true prosperity is way more than just a fat bank account.

It’s about tying our financial moves to our core values and using our dough to make the world a better place.

So, if you’re intentionally steering your funds into businesses and projects that do some good in the world, you’re onto something big.


It’s a clear sign that your priorities are shifting, showing you’ve got a solid grip on your role in society and the economy.


5) You’re seeking authentic relationships

In today’s digital age, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in the numbers game of social media—counting followers, tallying likes.

But let’s set the record straight: genuine success isn’t found in those superficial connections—it’s in the richness and authenticity of our relationships.


If you’re someone who values quality over quantity when it comes to your relationships, then kudos to you.

It might mean you have fewer friends or fewer social events on your calendar, but the bonds you do have are likely deeper and more satisfying.

Creating real connections takes vulnerability, empathy, and mutual respect.

It’s about sharing life’s ups and downs, being there for each other through thick and thin, and celebrating victories together.

These relationships aren’t just a sign of personal triumph; they’re a fundamental part of it.

6) You’re not always happy

In a world that’s all about chasing happiness, it might sound counterintuitive: not constantly feeling cheerful could actually mean you’re making strides towards success.

Life’s a rollercoaster of emotions—joy, sadness, anger, excitement, fear—and each one’s vital for our personal journey.

The pressure to always put on a happy face can push us into hiding or pushing aside our other feelings, which ultimately holds us back from truly living.

But if you’re someone who embraces the full spectrum of emotions—even the not-so-pleasant ones—that’s a sure sign you’re living authentically.

This kind of acceptance?

It’s what lets us grow from our experiences, show kindness to ourselves, and toughen up when life throws its curveballs.

7) You’re investing in personal growth

We often tie success to concrete achievements—like snagging a promotion, owning a swanky pad, or running a booming business.


But you know what? Sometimes, the truest signs of success aren’t about what we flaunt to the world but the changes brewing inside us.

If you’re all about that personal growth grind—constantly reflecting, seeking ways to better yourself—then you’re definitely on the right track.

Sure, it’s not always easy to gauge this kind of progress, but that doesn’t make it any less meaningful.

Investing in your personal growth could mean devouring books that challenge your views, embracing feedback, finding your zen with meditation, or even chatting it out in therapy.

It’s about facing your fears, shattering those self-imposed limits, and showing yourself a little kindness along the way.

Sure, this journey inwards isn’t always a walk in the park.

It’ll push you to confront some uncomfortable truths about yourself.

But trust me, it’s through this journey that you’ll emerge stronger, more resilient, and ready to craft the life you’ve been dreaming of.

The path to success is as unique as you are

Our journey to success is deeply personal and unique, much like our fingerprints.


Each of us has different dreams, goals, and definitions of what success means.

It’s crucial to remember that success is not a one-size-fits-all concept.

Instead, it’s a dynamic, evolving journey that adapts and changes as we grow and learn.

It’s about finding the courage to step outside your comfort zone, embracing your vulnerabilities, investing in personal growth, and aligning your actions with your values.

It’s about embracing all facets of life – the ups, the downs, the joys, and the challenges.

As we navigate our path to success, let’s remember to celebrate each step forward – no matter how small it may seem.

Every challenge overcome, every lesson learned, every growth opportunity seized is a sign you’re on your way to success – even if it doesn’t feel like it.


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