Using positive, emotionally intelligent phrases is not about being nice or trying to win favors; it's about building more trust and fostering a supportive atmosphere for all. Whether collaborating in a small team or managing a large organization, shifting to a more positive conversational style can build your confidence and improve your leadership and work outcomes. Here are nine phrases to start now.

1. "Your [something performance-related] has meant so much to all of us."

Acknowledging others for doing a challenging task or praising colleagues for their specific work performance is critical for human motivation. For instance, you could say something like, "Your extra mentoring efforts for the new employees have been incredibly beneficial to the entire team. Thanks to you, they have hit the ground running, and we have seen a remarkable increase in productivity." Remember, it's important to link your compliment to a specific work performance to make it more impactful.


2. "Let's celebrate this win."

If you're a leader, encouraging your team to celebrate successes, big or small, fosters a positive work culture and a sense of community.

3. "Can I get your input on this?"

There's this false notion that people who ask for input are perceived as less competent. To the contrary, research has linked asking for advice or input to being perceived as more competent. It not only boosts morale by showing you value their opinions, but it also encourages a collaborative team environment.

4. "So glad you're here."

When spoken with a warm and genuine tone and open body language, it's packed with a deeper meaning that positively elevates the other person (and makes you look and feel good). It communicates, "You matter, and I value your presence." 

5. "I trust your judgment."

This phrase shows that you respect their decisions and abilities, which boosts confidence and ownership of their work.

6. "I couldn't have done it without you."

This is another great way of saying thank you to someone for going above and beyond, especially if it made you look good. Saying it publicly in front of peers is especially gratifying -- it puts the other person on the pedestal he or she deserves.

7. "I'm here to help, let's figure this out together."

Nothing is worse than feeling like a long-ranger when under a tight deadline on a challenging project with a demanding customer. Be the person who sees the stressful look on someone else's face and extends a hand. Offering support, problem-solving, and collaboration can alleviate stress and make challenges feel more manageable.

8. "Your work is crucial to our success."

Often, team members don't see how their contributions or even mundane tasks advance the larger goals--the mission, vision, or strategic objectives of an organization. Help them see how their work fits into the bigger picture, which can enhance their sense of purpose and commitment.

9. "I'm really proud of you."

Expressing pride in the accomplishments of team members can help to strengthen the emotional bond between a leader and their team. It shows that you care not just about the results but also about the people who achieve them. This can make your team feel valued and proud of the work they do, which is a powerful motivator.